Posveta / Dedication

Knjiga Dijalozi u Crnoj Gori nije posvećena određenoj osobi ili osobama, već…

„Željezničkim stanicama i aerodromima – puni su zagrljaja, onih prije rastanka i onih uželjenih. Podsjete da smo samo ljubavi dužni i da je život: susret... i rastanak.”

Dijalozi u Crnoj Gori, str. 7.


The book Dialogues in Montenegro is not dedicated to a certain person or people, but to:

‘‘Railway stations and airports – they are filled with hugs, the ones you give when saying goodbye and the ones you rush to when coming back. They remind us that we owe everything to love, for life is after all: an encounter… and a separation.’’

Dialogues in Montenegro, p. 7.


Brodsky: Rendez-vous sa zlom / Brodsky: Rendez-vous with evil


In Sydney - ‘‘Dialogues in Montenegro’’