Marija Pavlikovska Jasnoževska
Nisam te videla mesec dana ravno,
i ništa. Sasvim sam čvrsta duha.
Ćutljivija sam možda, lice mi tavno.
Živi se znači, i bez vazduha.
Jenny Trolliet
« J'ai soif de gens vivants, de gens simples et aimants...
De gens amoureux, doux, tendres !
J'ai soif de gens qui ne jugent pas, qui aident et qui évoluent...
De gens qui pardonnent et qui rient...
De gens authentiques et qui s'en fichent du paraître !
J'ai soif d'esprits attentifs et profonds...
De gens qui s'aiment vraiment !
J'ai soif de rencontres folles et de gens qui s'amusent.
Stop aux habitudes qui n'ont aucun sens et des passés révolus qui nous tirent vers le bas.
Stop aux voix trop fortes et trop sérieuses.
Stop aux esprits malins et voraces.
Stop aux gens qui font mal parce qu'ils ont mal.
Je dis oui à l'amour, à la joie ! Je veux rencontrer des âmes sensibles au cœur tendre et des gens qui ont les yeux qui brillent. Je veux rencontrer des enfants et des grands enfants qui voient la vie en couleurs !
Vive les coeurs et les âmes. Vive la sensibilité et la gentillesse. Vive l'imperfection. Vive la folie ! Vive l'Amour...»
Jenny Trolliet "Evidence"
You're not the first person who was ever confused and frightened and even sickened by human behavior. You're by no means alone on that score. Many, many men have been just as troubled morally and spiritually as you are right now. Happily, some of them kept records of their troubles. You'll learn from them—if you want to. Just as someday, if you have something to offer, someone will learn something from you. It's a beautiful reciprocal arrangement. And it isn't education. It's history. It's poetry.
J.D. Salinger
(Book: The Catcher in the Rye)
Bianca Sparacino
You ruin your life by tolerating it. At the end of the day you should be excited to be alive. When you settle for anything less than what you innately desire, you destroy the possibility that lives inside of you, and in that way you cheat both yourself and the world of your potential. The next Michelangelo could be sitting behind a Macbook right now writing an invoice for paperclips, because it pays the bills, or because it is comfortable, or because he can tolerate it. Do not let this happen to you. Do not ruin your life this way. Life and work, and life and love, are not irrespective of each other. They are intrinsically linked. We have to strive to do extraordinary work, we have to strive to find extraordinary love. Only then will we tap into an extraordinarily blissful life.
(Book: Seeds Planted in Concrete)
Sreten Perović
Noć u Triješću
Vratiti se doma
kolibi bez krova
koju odniješe
vjetrovi i vode
Dotrčati lakoćom olova
žegom izoran
maglom naboran
bagrem ogoljeli
od čume oboljeli
kao gola vrana
Nokte i zube u nar
mramor očešljan
u nerandžu zlatnu
a lice u kal
u promrzlu nad
da oplode klatno
kužnog dana prag
Sreten Perović
Joan Didion
People who have recently lost someone have a certain look, recognizable maybe only to those who have seen that look on their own faces. I have noticed it on my face and I notice it now on others. The look is one of extreme vulnerability, nakedness, openness. It is the look of someone who walks from the ophthalmologist's office into the bright daylight with dilated eyes, or of someone who wears glasses and is suddenly made to take them off. These people who have lost someone look naked because they think themselves invisible. I myself felt invisible for a period of time, incorporeal. I seemed to have crossed one of those legendary rivers that divide the living from the dead, entered a place in which I could be seen only by those who were themselves recently bereaved. I understood for the first time the power in the image of the rivers, the Styx, the Lethe, the cloaked ferryman with his pole. I understood for the first time the meaning in the practice of suttee. Widows did not throw themselves on the burning raft out of grief. The burning raft was instead an accurate representation of the place to which their grief (not their families, not the community, not custom, their grief) had taken them. ~Joan Didion
(Book: The Year of Magical Thinking)
Znači, ti bi da budeš pisac?
Ako ne navire iz tebe
bez obzira na sve…
i ne pokušavaj.
Ako se ne pojavi iz čista mira
iz tvoga srca, tvog uma, tvojih usta
iz tvog stomaka…
i ne pokušavaj.
Ako moraš da sjediš satima
buljeći u monitor
ili pogrbljen nad
pisaćom mašinom,
tražeći riječi…
i ne pokušavaj.
Ako to radiš zbog novca
ili slave…
i ne pokušavaj.
Ako to radiš samo zato
da bi odveo žene u krevet…
i ne pokušavaj.
Ako moraš samo da sjediš
i pišeš sve to iznova i iznova…
i ne pokušavaj.
Ako ti je teško pri samoj pomisli da to moraš raditi…
i ne pokušavaj.
Ako pokušavaš da pišeš kao neko
Ako moraš čekati da izbije iz
onda čekaj strpljivo.
A ako nikada ne izbije,
nađi nešto drugo da radiš.
Ako moraš prvo da to pročitaš svojoj ženi,
svojim roditeljima
ili bilo kome drugom…
nisi spreman.
Ne budi kao većina drugih pisaca,
ne budi kao hiljade drugih
koji sebe zovu piscima.
Nemoj biti tup i dosadan
i pretenciozan,
nemoj biti izlizan egoizmom.
Sve biblioteke ovog svijeta
zijevaju od dosade
nad takvima kao što si ti.
Ne dozvoli im to.
Budi svoj.
Ako ne izlijeće iz tvoje duše
kao raketa,
ili ako te tvoja tišina
ne dovodi do ludila,
samoubistva ili ubistva…
i ne pokušavaj.
Ako te to sunce unutar tebe
ne prži do bola…
i ne pokušavaj.
Ali zato kad dođe vrijeme
i kad dođe “tvoj red”,
TO će se desiti samo od sebe
i nastaviće tako da se dešava
sve dok ne umreš TI
ili dok ne umre TO u tebi.
Znači, ti bi da budeš pisac?
Čarls Bukovski
Ellen Bass
to love life, to love it even
when you have no stomach for it
and everything you've held dear
crumbles like burnt paper in your hands,
your throat filled with the silt of it.
When grief sits with you, its tropical heat
thickening the air, heavy as water
more fit for gills than lungs;
when grief weights you like your own flesh
only more of it, an obesity of grief,
you think, How can a body withstand this?
Then you hold life like a face
between your palms, a plain face,
no charming smile, no violet eyes,
and you say, yes, I will take you
I will love you, again.
Ellen Bass
Charles Bukowski
Charles Bukowski (1920-1994)
kad dotakneš dno,
ne preostaje ništa drugo
nego se uz osmijeh iznova odjenuti,
izaći vani, promatrati lica, strojeve,
ulice, zgrade, sav taj svijet
što se poput filma odmata
zato se držim rutine,
razmjenjujem novčana sredstva,
odgovaram na pitanja,
ali ih baš i ne postavljam,
dok sati odzvanjaju u prolazu i slijede me
ali nisu ni oni uvijek tako užasni
- ponekad me uhvati neki napad
divlje radosti i smijem se,
a da jedva i znam zašto
možda najgori trik koji sam naučio
svodi se na to kako izdržati;
moram znati kako se ukloniti,
a to nije nešto što izaziva podozrenje
previše smo ozbiljni,
moramo naučiti žonglirati
našim rajevima i paklovima
- igra se nama igra,
moramo joj uzvratiti
naše cipele hodaju uz nas
i nose nas na grbači
kad dotakneš dno,
ne treba ništa poduzimati
preciznost je sloboda:
sto tisuća zidova
i još više ništavila
tvoje kosti znaju više
od tvog uma
(Preveo Damir Šodan)
David Albahari
Za mene pisanje proze, i dan-danas, posle svih romana koje sam napisao u takozvanom egzilu u Kanadi, pre svega podrazumeva kratku priču, ja pišem romane da bih se, da tako kažem, odmorio od pisanja kratkih priča.."
"..U stvari, postojimo kroz priče koje jedni drugima pričamo, uz teško, tragično teško saznanje da zapravo stalno govorimo samo sebi, i da je priča (ona svakodnevna koliko i ona umetnička) tek jedan varljivi omotač, jedna iluzija potrebna da bismo prevazišli sopstvenu kobnu usamljenost i vremensku ograničenost..."
"..Odgovorite mi, ukoliko možete, ukoliko neko zna: ako je život borba, ako je život stremljenje ka nekom cilju, ka nekoj još nepoznatoj svrsi, protiv čega se, onda, treba boriti – protiv smisla ili protiv besmisla?."
David Albahari,
Izabrane priče
Remco Campert
Otpor ne počinje velikim riječima
nego malim djelima
kao što oluja počinje
tihim šuštanjem u vrtu
ili mačkom kojoj se pomrači um
kao što široke rijeke počinju
malim izvorom
skrivenim u šumi
kao što vatrena stihija počinje
istom šibicom
koja pali cigaretu
kao što ljubav počinje pogledom
dodirom nečime
što primijetiš u tuđem glasu
time da sebi postaviš pitanje
tako počinje otpor
i onda to pitanje
postaviš nekome drugom
Remco Campert
(Prepjev: Romana Perenčinec)
Tennessee Williams
"One of the most painful realizations we must come to as artists is that the tale of the artistic trade-off being eventually satisfied is a myth. Whatever maladjustments or cruelties we felt we were dealt as a child remain with us forever, and that Achilles heel or Cassandra truth about us--that awful thing that dogs us perpetually--is never alleviated by applause or money or recognition by those we feel have what we lack or those who witness what we do.
"What the true artists have done--and all true artists are also survivors, so rid yourself of the self-image of an open wound--is to incorporate all of these flaws into the beautiful tapestry they have decided they will become. They do not delude themselves about their flaws; they glory in them and put them to use. Whatever else, these flaws are what help us to write what we write, or act what is acted. And once you're mature, you find that that is no small reward."--
Tennessee Williams/Interview with James Grissom/1982
Tin Uljević
Anđele, pogledaj natrag kući
i plači;
no meni pusti da budem jači;
ja neću ući.
Mrzi me da gledam svoju mladost.
Mrzi me da me prošlost veže.
I u bijedi ima radost
što nema mreže.
Ja nemam mreže, ja nemam veže.
Ja gubim sebe desetljeća.
Ima u meni pomama cvijeća,
i još imam ravnoteže.
Čemu se vraćati na stara mjesta?
Ja mrzim groblja i starinu,
i cijenim svjetlo i širinu:
postoji cesta.
Imaju kuće stare i nove.
Ja nemam kuće.
Ništa me ne zove.
Trideset godina putovanja,
brda prokletstva.
Bez posla i bez zanimanja,
bez sredstva.
Sotono, ne daj mi kući.
Anđele, plači.
Ja stradam, ja sam jači.
Ja neću ući.
Tin Uljević
Bekim Sejranović
Nije svatko kovač svog života. Nije nitko. Na neke stvari možeš utjecati, na neke ne. Nešto kuješ, a nešto nosiš kako ti je skovano. No, i jedno i drugo, i to sto kuješ i to što ti je skovano, zapravo su okovi. Sanduk iz kojeg ćeš kad tad morati izvući ruku ili ćeš biti uhvaćen.
Bekim Sejranović (1972-2020)
Boris Maruna
Kao cvijeće po onim grobovima,
kud se moja domovina prostire
i more je riječ na usni Boga
Tako si nejednako raspoređena,
Čitav život bio je osjećanje
tvog pogleda s jedne ploče
davnih prezimena
I čuješ protjecanje vode
i zveket oružja čuješ,
i ne sustaješ
Da nitko ne opjeva bolje
tamnu mahovinu tvojih
očiju; tugu tvojih otoka
Da me ne sustignu oni,
koji te nikada neće
Velika je tvoja opomena,
Mati, i veliko je tvoje ime
u grlu smjelog ratnika
Koji uzmiče, braneći te
Boris Maruna (1940-2007)
Oscar Wilde
Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)
Životom ne vlada volja ili namera. Život je pitanje nerava, vlakana i sporogorećih ćelija u kojima se misao krije, a strast doživljava snove. Možda zamišljaš da si bezbedan i smatraš sebe jakim. Međutim, neočekivana nijansa boje u sobi ili na jutarnjem nebu, neki naročiti miris koji si nekada voleo i koji budi divna sećanja, stih iz zaboravljene pesme na koji si nekad naišao, akord iz muzičkog dela koje si prestao da sviraš - kažem ti, Dorijane, od takvih stvari zavisi naš život.
(Preveo David S. Pijade)
Jack Kerouac
Jack Kerouac (12.3.1922. - 21.10.1969.)
123. KORUS
Bit je shvatljiva u riječima
koje blijede dok se približavaju.
Što činiti, Bodhisattva?
O živi mirno; živi da bi volio
Budi usrdan ispod stabala
U ponoć na tlu.
Nema nade u prostoru
raspršene tame
koja se skupljala
još od Mojsija
Život je isto što i smrt
ali duša ide dalje
u istoj zasljepljujućoj svjetlosti.
Jedenje je isto što i ne-jedenje
Ali želudac je uporan
Mišljenje se nastavlja.
Moraš prestati misliti
prestani disati.
Kako da putuješ od Zbrke
Oprosti svakome svoje vlastite grijehe
I pazi da im kažeš
Da ih voliš kako i jest.
(Prepjev Borivoj Radaković)
Maya Luna
I wanted to know Truth
So I stopped looking
I Opened my body
Until Truth found
I wanted to know Love
So I stopped missing it's
I Savored every texture
In the wilderness of this
Until finally Love revealed
I wanted to know Power
So I stopped pushing my will
Onto reality
I Let Go from deep inside
Until the Power moved
I wanted to know Passion
So I stopped reaching for
I let my heart melt
Into the flame
Of Life's longing
Until Passion became one with
I wanted to know Creation
So I merged with the pulse
At the core of Existence
I wanted to know Innocence
So I Drank my own
I wanted to know God
So I dropped the arrow of My body
And finally remembered to
They told me waking up
Was a complicated affair
They told me to cut myself
Who would have thought that
Flesh and blood contained
The Mystery of Existence
Who would have thought
That the Elixir was
Inside me
They wrote all the books
And gave all the talks
I never knew my own
The Teacher
Maya Luna
Henry Miller
"The role which the artist plays in society is to revive the primitive, anarchic instincts which have been sacrificed for the illusion of living in comfort… It is not the most comfortable life in the world but I know that it is life, and I am not going to trade it for an anonymous life in the brotherhood of man—which is either sure death, or quasi-death, or at the very best cruel deception."
Henry Miller
Rabindranath Tagore
"I seem to have loved you
in numberless forms,
numberless times,
in life after life,
in age after age,
My spellbound heart has
made and remade the
necklace of songs
that you take as a gift,
wear 'round your neck
in your many forms,
in life after life,
in age after age,
Whenever I hear
old chronicles of love,
its age-old pain,
its ancient tale of being
apart or together.
As I stare on and on
into the past,
in the end you emerge,
clad in the light of a
pole-star piercing the
darkness of time:
You become an image of
what is remembered,
You and I have floated here
on the stream that brings
from the fount.
At the heart of time,
love of one for another.
We have played alongside
millions of lovers,
shared in the same
shy sweetness of meeting,
the same distressful tears
of farewell;
Old love but in shapes
that renew and renew
Today it is heaped at your feet,
it has found its end in you
the love of all man’s days
both past and forever:
universal joy,
universal sorrow,
universal life.
The memories of all loves
merging with this One
Love of ours;
And the songs
of every Poet past
and forever."
Rabindranath Tagore,
Unending Love