Prije snijega / Before the snow

Primili smo fotografije knjige sa samog sjevera Crne Gore, iz Nacionalnog parka Durmitor, tik pred snijeg. Ali, pored fotografija, stigla je i - priča… / We have received the photos from the very North of Montenegro, from the Durmitor National Park, just before the snow. But, apart from the photos, we have received - a story…

Vera Đerković, sjajna koleginica, posvećena planinarka i planinska vodičkinja, je napisala:

Jednog januarskog dana, skitala sam sama Crnom Gorom, bez konkretnog plana i cilja - što inače ponekad radim, kada poželim da razbijem monotoniju života i otkrijem nove stvari, ali tako da se samo otvorim, hodam i pustim ih da mi same dođu. Bila sam na Cetinju. Slučajno, a ništa nije slučajno, upoznala sam jednu djevojku, koleginicu - turističkog vodiča. Ali, rekla je da piše knjigu…

Knjigu je pisala i napisala! A kroz knjigu putujete Crnom Gorom, ali i svijetom, na jedan potpuno neočekivan i neobičan način - a da se ne pomjerite sa fotelje, i upoznate ljude iz različitih krajeva zemlje kao da su tu, pred vama - a nikada ih niste sreli, niti im znate imena.

I, eto, baš ove godine kada su nam putovanja postala rjeđa, Tijana nas vodi na jedan sasvim drugačiji izlet - do najljepših krajeva Crne Gore, do naših duša, do suštine. Kao što je naša zemlja savršen sklad toplog juga i divljih litica sjevera, tako su i ‘Dijalozi’ neraskidivo povezali humor sa najdubljim i najiskrenijim osjećanjima, koja, nerijetko i iz straha od ranjivosti, krijemo od svijeta. Kao Crnogorci, zna se…

Vera Đerković, a great colleague, dedicated mountaineer and mountain guide, wrote:

"One January day, I wandered alone in Montenegro, without a specific plan or goal - what I usually do when I want to break the monotony of everyday life and discover new things, in a way that I just open up, walk and let them come to me on their own pace. I was in Cetinje. By coincidence, and nothing is a coincidence, I met a girl, a colleague - a tour guide. But she said she was writing a book…

And she did finish it, she wrote the book! Through the book you travel through Montenegro, but also around the world, in a completely unexpected and unusual way - without moving from your chair, and you meet people from different parts of the country as if they were there, in front of you - and you have never met them or you know their names.

And, especially this year, when our travels have become less frequent, Tijana takes us on a completely different trip - to the most beautiful parts of Montenegro, to our souls, to the essence. Just as our country is a perfect harmony of the warm South and the wild cliffs of the North, so the ‘Dialogues’ firmly link the humor with the deepest and most sincere feelings, which, often out of fear of vulnerability, we hide from the world. As Montenegrins, it is known…"

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Dialogues in Montenegro read in the Durmitor National Park. Veliko hvala, Vera! / Many thanks, Vera!


Norveški pisac o ‘dijalogu’


Fragment of a fragment - ‘‘Dialogues in Paris’’